Become a Member of NLI

We welcome you to join the Nonprofit Lifecycle Institute as a member. Membership includes access to members only resources and discounts to products and trainings. Lifecycle Capacity Consultant and Certified Lifecycle Capacity Consultant designations require NLI approval based on meeting certain criteria and completion of training.

By joining the Institute as a member, you agree to adhere to our Code of Ethics.


Start Here

free always 🙂

To get started you must register for an account.

Once you have created your account, you will have access to purchase a membership and enroll in one of many of our courses offered online.

What’s Included
  • Full access to free resources

  • Notification of upcoming events and trainings



per year

Open to any individual looking to support the Lifecycle’s approach.

What’s Included
  • Registered member benefits plus the following …

  • Access to member only resources

  • Discount on the Nonprofit Lifecycles: Stage-based Wisdom for Nonprofit Capacity  book

  • Discount on Trainings, Events and Conferences

  • For Lifecycles trained members, access to the Selfie is included



per year

Open to organizations that use Lifecycles as an organizing principle for their work with nonprofits and have at least one Lifecycles Capacity Consultant.

What’s Included
  • Individual member benefits plus the following …

  • Provides membership for up to 3 people including Lifecycles Capacity Consultants

  • Reduced rate for additional members

  • Logo and linkage to your profile on the NLI website

“Capacity counts. Without organizational competence, nonprofits cannot achieve or sustain long-term program delivery or mission success.”

Nonprofit Lifecycles: Stage-based Wisdom for Nonprofit Capacity, pg. 137