
News, Newsletters, Articles & Musings

You will find a curated collection of current and archived news, newsletters, articles, and events. Stay informed, engaged, and motivated as we bring you the latest happenings and insights from the realm of nonprofit capacity building. Sign up to receive our Newsletter in your inbox!

  • There are several upcoming nonprofit capacity-building events and courses to put into your calendar with Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute. Visit our Events page for the full list and we hope to see you soon!

  • Arizona consultants and funders! Join our in-person Lifecycles 101 course in Phoenix on September 18.

  • Register for our virtual course Lifecycles 201 Intensive course consisting of 6-sessions tailored for consultants seeking a more in-depth understanding of Lifecycles Capacity Consulting

  • Join us for a Happy Hour Meet Up on Thursday, March 21, 4-6 pm at First Draft Book Bar.

  • Starting in January we’ll kick off a four part webinar series and discussion of the world around our tables and the continuum of capacity programs.

  • There are several upcoming events to put into your calendar with Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute. Visit our Events page for the full list and we hope to see you soon!