
Frequently Asked Questions

Read our most Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute. If you have more questions, please Contact Us!

What does Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute do?2023-10-19T11:22:52-04:00

We cultivate an ecosystem of healthy, dynamic, and collaborative nonprofit organizations, funders and consultants. We do this through the Lifecycles model: a paradigm-shifting, stage-based approach that provides the guidance and structure nonprofits need to realize their missions with clarity and sustainability. Learn more About Us.

How do I contact the team at Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute?2023-09-26T12:27:24-04:00

Get in contact Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute by sending us an email, logging in to our virtual Office Hours to ask questions, and joining our newsletter to get regular updates. We’d love to hear from you!

Why is your work so important?2023-09-26T12:33:06-04:00

From advancing diversity, to supporting the arts, to feeding the hungry, nonprofit organizations across the globe are integral to moving our communities forward. When they succeed, things get better for all of us.

That’s why our work is so important. When nonprofits experience the guidance and structure that our model provides, they are more successful and better-equipped to change the world. Learn more at About Us.

Who does Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute serve?2023-09-26T12:34:49-04:00

Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute serves nonprofit organizations across the globe. Through our work, we train consultants in the Lifecycles model, educate and partner with funders, and build programs that empower organizations to create lasting change and grow their impact. Visit About Us to learn more.

What impacts can I expect utilizing the Nonprofit Lifecycles model?2023-09-26T12:38:01-04:00

When nonprofits are at their best, their communities’ resources and talents are maximized and their biggest problems are being addressed. Visit the Impacts page to learn more.

I am a nonprofit and am interested in learning more. What should I do next?2023-10-19T11:10:05-04:00

Whether you are a nonprofit employee who is just beginning to read Nonprofit Lifecycles: Stage-based Wisdom for Nonprofit Capacity or a board member who is fully entrenched in the lifecycles practices, the Institute provides an opportunity to engage with accredited consultants and gain access to the wealth of knowledge found in the resources, blogs and networking opportunities of like-minded colleagues and professionals.

Visit our Nonprofits page to learn more.

What is the Online Selfie?2023-10-12T08:14:34-04:00

The Online Selfie is a very flexible tool to use with organizations. The tool is an online Lifecycles Self-Assessment that organization leadership (board & staff) can take to learn more about themselves, understand how individual staff and board members see the organization, and build consensus to how to move forward collectively. A few examples of how it has been successfully used include:

  • complete the Online Selfie as a group and build consensus as you go
  • have individuals complete the Online Selfie separately, then bring folks together to discuss results and come to an agreement
  • before launching into any organizational strategic planning, ground the organization in its current capacity
  • activate various Selfies at once and hold a workshop with multiple organizations that work though the Selfie

Institute Members have access to the Online Selfie as part of their membership, and the Lifecycles Tools course which goes into greater depth on the Online Selfie.

Read through the Lifecycles Online Selfie Guide to learn more.


When is the next Nonprofit Lifecycles event or training?2023-09-26T12:41:21-04:00

Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute hosts regular Lifecycles training courses, office hours, webinars, and events. Check out our Events page to see what is coming up next.

Where can I learn more about becoming a Nonprofit Lifecycles Consultant?2023-12-11T13:23:48-05:00

Consultants who wish to adopt the Lifecycles approach to capacity building and further the work of the Institute can do so by attending a Lifecycles 101 session, integrating the practices into their consulting services, and affiliating with other Lifecycle Capacity Consultants in the sector. Learn what the Institute has to offer you.

Visit the Consultants page to learn more.

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