Upcoming Events

There are several upcoming nonprofit capacity-building events and courses to put into your calendar with Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute. Visit our Events page for the full list and we hope to see you soon!

Upcoming Events2024-07-18T17:34:57-04:00

LIVE Lifecycles 101 in Phoenix

Arizona consultants and funders! Join our in-person Lifecycles 101 course in Phoenix on September 18.

LIVE Lifecycles 101 in Phoenix2024-07-15T10:10:02-04:00

Lifecycles Latest Summer 2024

Stay up to date with the latest news and events at Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute by reading our Summer newsletter.

Lifecycles Latest Summer 20242024-06-29T16:50:24-04:00

Lifecycles 201 Intensive

Register for our virtual course Lifecycles 201 Intensive course consisting of 6-sessions tailored for consultants seeking a more in-depth understanding of Lifecycles Capacity Consulting

Lifecycles 201 Intensive2024-04-16T16:06:43-04:00
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